Site Acquisition

Syncarpha has comprehensive knowledge of the distribution infrastructure and permitting process in its markets, helping to identify potential projects early and strategically allocate capital based on project feasibility.

Project Sourcing Strategy

Syncarpha has a well-established origination and development process designed to optimize project selection and ensure high quality execution at each stage of the process. Prior to entering any market, the team performs a careful evaluation process to analyze the business case:


Analyze the proposed or existing regulation to understand structure of the market


Consider the tax regime in the market to determine whether tax agreements will be necessary and are available


Study interconnection requirements to understand grid saturation and availability of distribution circuit and substation data


Ensure there are not statewide or countywide permitting challenges and determine strategy

Orgination Strategy

Develop Organic and Acquisition Pipeline

Syncarpha strategically evaluates market maturity to decide whether to build a greenfield pipeline, secure a pipeline from development partners, or acquire mid-to-late stage projects. When greenfield opportunities arise, the company provides land partners with specific requirements to expedite site control. Syncarpha continually assesses new projects from a strong deal flow provided by development partners, allowing the company to enter the development cycle at any stage and maximize value

Select Projects Based on Stringent Criteria

Syncarpha evaluates key project economics, such as PPA rates, build costs, and credit, using internal expertise while prioritizing projects with low-cost interconnection, favorable permitting, optimal site characteristics, and affordable land—favoring land purchases over leases. The company continuously re-evaluates the decision to invest development capital at each milestone, making numerous micro-investment decisions throughout the project development process.