Breaking Down Barriers To Widespread Solar Adoption

At Syncarpha Capital, we develop, own, and operate solar and storage projects across the U.S.

$ 0 MM+

in total financing raised since 2009 inception

0 MW+

acquired, developed, and/or financed across 68 projects

0 MW+

under management across twelve states

0 MW+

capacity in development pipeline across 100+ projects

Leaders In Distributed Generation With A History Of Strong Partnerships & Execution

Partnering with experienced solar developers, installers, engineers, and EPC contractors, Syncarpha designs and builds on-site solar systems for municipalities, utilities, businesses, and residential consumers. The goal is to minimize risk and maximize return in an arrangement where project success benefits all.

Our Capabilities To Building A Sustainable Future

Syncarpha has proven expertise and the personnel to manage every stage of the solar plant life

Syncarpha Develops Projects Across The Distributed Generation Solar Market

  • Commercial & Industrial

    Projects with a single commercial, industrial, or municipal offtaker

  • Community Solar

    Virtual net metered projects whose electricity has multiple offtakers

  • Small Utility-Scale

    In front of the meter with a utility or utility-cooperative offtaker