Green Team

At Syncarpha Capital, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our solar projects and into the heart of our company culture. Our Green Team is dedicated to fostering a greener, more sustainable world through hands-on initiatives and community engagement.

Syncarpha Green Team

Making a Sustainable Impact Together

The Green Team supports Syncarpha Capital’s mission to make a sustainable impact in the communities we serve. We believe that every small action can contribute to a larger movement towards environmental stewardship and sustainability. By organizing internal events and encouraging eco-friendly practices, we strive to inspire our employees and community members to join us in making a difference.

Tree Planting Events

Trees play a crucial role in combating climate change and improving air quality. Our Green Team participates in tree planting events in local communities, providing a hands-on opportunity for employees and volunteers to contribute.

Sustainability Challenges

We love a good challenge, especially when it comes to promoting sustainability. Our Green Team hosts regular sustainability challenges within the company, encouraging employees to adopt greener habits.

Community Clean-Up Projects

A clean community is a happy community. The Green Team is planning to engage in local clean-up projects, removing litter from parks, beaches, and streets to help beautify our surroundings and raise awareness.

Tree Planting Events

Tree Planting in Shoelace Park

Syncarpha's Green Team recently took part in a "Tree Planting in Shoelace Park" event. Together, we planted 43 trees, working alongside community members to help preserve vital habitat along the Bronx River. Each tree planted helps improve air quality and adds to the natural beauty of the area.

Sustainability Challenges

2024 Green Team Summer Challenge

This company-wide initiative splits our staff into teams based on departments, encouraging friendly competition to earn the most points through sustainable actions.

The challenge aims to integrate sustainability into our daily work environment, business strategy, and personal lives. Teams can earn points by incorporating eco-friendly practices at work, volunteering in the community, and educating others about the benefits of solar energy.

Join Us in Making a Difference

At Syncarpha, we understand that sustainability is a collective effort. Our Green Team is open to partnering with communities and organizations who are passionate about making a positive impact on the environment.

Interested in partnering with Syncarpha’s Green Team or participating in our events? Contact us to learn more about upcoming activities and how you can contribute to our sustainability efforts.