The 50-acre Sutton Brook Disposal Area also known as “Rocco Landfill” now hosts a 3.6MW DC/2.8 MW AC ballast-mounted solar array, providing clean energy to the City of Everett, Tufts University and local National Grid residents through their Community Solar program.
Array 1 – located in the former Garage Storage Area (900 modules)

Array 2 – located on the Northern Lobe of the Landfill (4,410 modules)

Array 3 – located on the Southern Lobe of the Landfill (3,420 modules)

The PV modules will be supported by galvanized steel and aluminum brackets mounted on precast concrete foundation ballasts. The system will be connected to the National Grid electric utility grid and includes an approximately 2.0-megawatt alternating current (MWAC) battery storage system.
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