
Syncarpha’s knowledge and control of the development and construction processes allow it to deliver what is required by financing parties, building trust with counterparties over years of successful transactions.

Funding A Sustainable Tomorrow

At Syncarpha, we understand the transformative power of strategic financing in accelerating the transition to renewable energy. Our approach to financing solar and solar plus storage projects is built on the foundation of strong partnerships, enabling us to deliver cost-effective, high-performance solar energy solutions across North America.

Trusted Reputation

Established relationships with some of the largest tax equity and debt investors across the U.S.

Legal Capabilities

Extensive internal legal capabilities drive efficient processes with financing counterparties

Attractive Financing

Raised over $473 million of sponsor equity, debt, and tax equity for its assets to date

Investment Focus

Syncarpha’s infrastructure fund is dedicated to North American solar energy assets. We concentrate on states and provinces with the most stable regulatory environment, long duration, and high-quality assets. This creates private equity-like returns with “infrastructure” levels of risk.

Our portfolio is focused on 2,000-20,000 kW projects (accumulating $6-60MM total capital per project). We focus on value added niches such as brownfields, landfills, and distributed wholesale.

A Strong History Of Financing Partnerships With Industry Leaders