Engineering & Construction Management

Syncarpha oversees the entire design and construction process while partnering with experienced, high-quality EPCs to drive project execution. This process coupled with a long-term ownership approach has resulted in the Company’s strong portfolio operating performance.

Our Process

Syncarpha deploys rigorous design, engineering, and construction management processes

Design / Engineering

Perform in-house layout optimization to maximize project returns


Drive the interconnection process and proactively ensure all milestones are met


Procure all equipment through its relationships with Tier 1 vendors

EPC Selection

Select EPCs based on existing relationships, qualifications and cost

Construction Mgmt

Developed a PM framework coupled with internal tools to manage project execution

Design & Engineering

With a focus on solar and solar plus storage distributed generation projects, Syncarpha deploys rigorous design principles and engineering practices. Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the dynamic energy market and the evolving technologies that drive it. From conceptual design to detailed engineering, our projects are meticulously planned to optimize performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

Construction Management

Syncarpha partners with industry-leading Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) firms, chosen for their ability to execute complex projects with the highest standards of quality and efficiency. Our comprehensive oversight extends through the entire construction process, from site preparation to mechanical completion.

Syncarpha has developed relationships with Tier 1 suppliers, enabling them to procure major equipment at attractive pricing and access the equipment markets more readily

NOTE: Add equipment and technical expertise. Speak with Jason about what we’d like to share and what’s important

Should we include a case study here to add later? -Jason

Add #’s: 180+ MW’s built, Storage MWh, we do the hairy stuff (brownfields, landfills)